Solstice blessings to our Dogwood community! On this light-filled day, we celebrate with ritual time away from work and in nature to honor the magic of this rare solar moment.
This year the Solstice occurs on June 20 when the sun reaches its northernmost point in the sky at 8:32pm pst.
In the folk magic traditions of Appalachia, certain herbs were associated with this sacred day of joy and abundance. According to the Appalachia School of Holistic Herbalism, Saint John’s Wort is the “herb of the Summer Solstice” partly because the height of its bloom aligns with Midsummer and because the energy of the plant and its yellow flowers bring “joy and relief.”
According to Rebecca Beyer of Blood and Spicebush in “Midsummer Herblore”, “country folks hung St John’s Wort over the doors of their houses, barns, stables and cow sheds to protect themselves from meddling spirits and faeries on Midsummer Eve.”
Two of our favorite flowering herbs, Calendula and Chamomile, are also associated with Summer Solstice. We can imagine why when we think of these vibrant plants with their yellow flowers, sunny disposition and joyful solar energy.
In the wheel of the year, this day represents the peak of light, longest day, and the beginning of Summer. From this day forward, the days will shorten towards the waning light of Autumn and darkness of Winter. Learn more about this magical day from We’Moon.
Wishing you all a sunny and joyous Solstice!